Booking of Serviced Corporate Apartment - With 3 options
At the request of the client and either via their preferred vendor or the partner. This is the booking only of the corporate serviced apartment for normally a limited period of up to 2/3 weeks dependent on the client's policy.
- On receipt of request contact the Corporate Serviced Partners (Client Preferred, Oakwood, Skyline etc.)
- Advise of client office location, length of stay (with an option to extend) and budget
- Request up to a maximum of 3 options with photos, details, distance from company and price ensuring they are within client budget
- All those within the client budget send per email to the employee
- Employee selects an apartment (if client approved)
- Partner reserves the apartment
- On receipt of booking confirmation, advise employee of full details
Note: If the client requests pre-payment on behalf of client see Financial Management Services for charges for this service
“Nowrin I love you my jan, And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Asheq Salman
Logistics Services
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+012 (345) 67 89